√ 6 Recipes How to Make Ice Fresh Fruits Special Open Fasting and Sale - Indonesian Food Rrecipe

6 Recipes How to Make Ice Fresh Fruits Special Open Fasting and Sale

6 Different Ways to Make Ice Fruit Fresh Practical Simple Practical For Menu Takjil Open Fasting Or Day Day . Also Equipped With Assorted Syrup Recipe Fruit Ice Syrup With Home Syrup Can Be Made Own Of Simple Materials Available In-House Stock And Refrigerator Can For Sale Also Lho.

Approaching the month of fasting is indeed many of us who are confused to make a menu takjil if not fast to make the family at home. Indeed, in addition to drinks iftar , various special ice recipe fruit that we will give below can be used for all the time you know. For example, when at home there are arisan events, meetings between community residents in RT or RW. Or maybe a farewell at school, a fresh drink to make one of them is ice with special syrup and various fruits. As a way to make fresh and delicious fruit ice is very practical, simple and no hassle.

As one of the special drink recipes that have been old enough, how to make fresh and delicious fruit ice is very easy. However, if we want to enjoy the seductive freshness, there are some things that must be considered. Maybe we have the thought that a glass of ice-fruit recipe just needs to mix fruits and sugar instead.

Tips on How To Make Fresh Fruit Different Fruits

But it was not as simple as that. Especially if we want to prepare a special fresh drink that is preferred by all family members. The first thing to note is of course any fruit that will be used. The diversity of fruit that we use is also influential. Especially if each fruit used has a different color different.

Like green avocado, red dragon, red starwbery, yellow pineapple, yellow mango and other instead. In addition, of course, the level of maturity of each ingredient to make ice recipe fruit had also to be fitting. Do not let it turns out we use a mango that is too young or maybe even too ripe so that it will lead to recipe fruit ice that we make so less tasty.

Selaijn fruit that must be considered is its sauce. Although how to make the ice fruit is just mixing ingredients, but if the sauce is less sweet or too sweet even so it will not taste good. The gravy can be made from bottled syrup or we can make simple syrup from water mixed with sugar plus vanilla or other flavorings. Or maybe we can add fresh milk or sweetened condensed milk to make it more delicious and delicious.

Nutrition and Vitamins

From small maybe we all have been taught that eating sangt very good for health and body development. Various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and many benefits of various fruits for our bodies. Because using a variety of fresh fruit of various kinds, of course in addition to freshness, we also get the benefits of vitamins and nutrients from the ice fruit recipe dishes that we make later. It's fitting not if we happen to have a hard-to-eat fresh fruits.

Special Fruit Ice Recipes

There are many variations of this fruit ice recipe based on each taste. Because indeed this drink recipe in addition to easy way to make it can also be adjusted with the stock of fruit in the house. But if by chance friends again confused ideas, recipes how to make ice fruit with special gravy syrup under the mandatory lho try.

Syrup Syrup

  • Ready-to-eat liquid milk or in boxes of approximately 1000 ml.
  • Water is cooked to taste or approximately as much as 1/4 liter.
  • Mandarin orange juice extracted from 5 pieces of mandarin orange.
  • Lime juice more or less as much as 1 medium size fruit only.
  • Syrup taste vanilla bottle to taste according to each taste.
  • Sweetened condensed milk to taste according to each taste.
  • Ice cubes to taste as needed.

Fruit Material </ h3.

  • Medium-sized dragon fruit that has been cut pieces of approximately 1/2 pieces.
  • Apples or pears as needed.
  • Sufficient red and green wines or 8 pcs each.
  • Medium medium melon fruit that has been peeled and cut into pieces enough to taste or approximately 1/2 pieces.
  • Starwbery fruit that has been cut and cut to taste as needed.
  • In order for jelly if likes that have been cut box to taste according to taste.
  • Fruit lychees, kelengkeng or other according to taste.

How to make fresh fruit special ice

  • First take a container large enough then insert shaved ice, syrup, orange juice and other ingredients then stir until blended.
  • Insert a piece of ice cubes or shaved ice along with pieces of fruit into the container above.
  • Stirring all the ingredients until well blended.
  • Take and pour enough into a serving glass then give sweetened condensed milk to taste and a few pieces of ice cubes.

Recipes How To Make Basil Fruit Ice

Basil other than made for a fruit soup mix can also be utilized for simple ice recipe you know. Without much material, enough papaya and basil we can make fresh drinks for the family. How to make ice fruit basil is very easy. Just prepare the material in the form of papaya that has been cut, simple syrup, cold water, lemon juice to taste, ice cubes and of course basil. Mix all the ingredients into one and last give ice cubes on it.

Recipes How To Make Milk Fruit Ice

One of the characteristics of ice from various fruits is a steady and elegant taste lies in the broth. Well this time we will give a way to make milk ice with a variety of fruits that tempt the taste. With the addition of lime juice, sweet, sour and fresh taste will surely relieve your thirst after a day of fasting is not it.

Ingredients :

  • Melon that has been cut to taste approximately 150 grams.
  • Watermelon that has been cut box more or less as much as 150 grams.
  • Fresh Starwbery that has been washed and split approximately 150 grams as well.
  • Coco basil taste to taste or approximately as much as 150 grams as well.
  • Mango and avocado if there are approximately as much as 150 grams as well.
  • Sugar for syrup sauce is about 200 grams.
  • Lime juice fresh enough to taste or approximately as much as 5 tablespoons.
  • Iodized salt kitchen a little more or less as much as 1/4 small spoon.
  • Sweetened condensed milk according to taste.
  • Sufficient clean water to taste or approximately as much as 1500 ml.


  • First prepare the pot and put sugar and salt and stir until really mixed.
  • Light up the fire and boil it until it boils while stirring occasionally.
  • After boiling lift then wait a moment then strain and chill.
  • Enter the fruits to be used in a bowl or glass.
  • Pour the syrup over and give ice cubes or shaved ice on top.
  • Last flush with sweetened condensed milk and ready to serve.

Ice Soda Fizz Recipes

In addition to cold water, we can also make it with soda water you know. You know, soda water is usually used for soda happy. How to make ice fruit with soda is quite easy. Friends can use fruit such as papaya, melon, watermelon, kiwi, orange or other. Simply put a syrup or syrup so mix it with water and ready to serve.

Ice Recipe Cocktail Fruit

Our small age was probably when the invitation of one of the dishes that usually there is this cocktail ice. Although it seems to consist only of simple fruits, it tastes very fresh indeed. If by chance at home there is an event, fresh kinuman recipe can also lho make a dish. Moreover, how to make ice cocktail earlier this time quite easy and practical. In addition, of course, cheap and can be for the whole family.

Fruit Ice Material

  • The first ingredient is a slightly ripe papaya that has been peeled and cut into the box approximately 1500 grams.
  • Medium medium ripe pineapple fruit approximately as much as 1 fruit. Peel then cut pieces too.
  • Sugar according to taste or approximately as much as 800 grams only.
  • Nata de coco approximately 1 kg.
  • Seed dried seeds approximately 2 tablespoons if you like depending on taste.
  • Lime betel approximately 2 tablespoons.
  • Citric acid is approximately 2 spoonfuls.
  • Clean water is approximately 4000 ml.
  • Essence taste a little vanilla.

How to Make Ice Cocktails

  • First mix the whiting with clean water approximately 1 glass then stir and filter water then set aside.
  • Take a container large enough and then enter the pieces of papaya and water whiting betel then give additional water until all parts submerged.
  • Let the above papaya be submerged for approximately 60 minutes or the outside is already visibly hardened.
  • Wash the papaya above until no lime water is attached.
  • Prepare the pot and enter the water besama granulated sugar then stir and wait until boiling.
  • Enter the pieces of papaya that has been removed lime water and then cook until boiling and then turn off the fire.
  • Pour the citric acid into the pan and stir until completely mixed well.
  • Add the pineapple pieces with the vanilla flavor and then stir until fully blended.
  • Cover and let stand until the fruit mixture is cold or normal temperature.
  • Enter the decoco nata along with the basil seeds that have been cooked then stir again.
  • Enter into the refrigerator to cool or add ice cubes and ready to serve.

Recipes How To Make Mixed Fruit Ice

What makes ice drinks with fresh fruit is in addition to fresh fruit also diversity of fruit. The blend of various fresh natural fruit with a variety of colors will certainly add to our enjoyment of eating it. For how to make a special mixed fruit ice, friends can use mangoes, avocados, strawberries, rambutan, lychees, grapes and dragon fruit. Cut to taste and then mix with syrup so, homemade syrup or try the various syrup sauce we have given above.

Of the 6 ice recipe above, which friends will try for the family later? After knowing it turns out semiua recipe was very easy not how to make fruit ice fresh and delicious. For the variety of fruit can actually be adjusted with the supply of materials at home. For the preparation of the breaking menu and other Eid, please try Lebaran pastry , chicken opor recipe , rendang meat recipe or how to make special ketupat Lebaran.

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