Indonesian Food Rrecipe
Apa itu Konsultasi Umum: Gambaran Umum, Manfaat, dan Hasil yang Diharapkan

Apa itu Konsultasi Umum: Gambaran Umum, Manfaat, dan Hasil yang Diharapkan

Apa itu Konsultasi Umum?
Halodoc Konsultasi Dokter - Konsultasi umum juga dikenal dengan istilah konsultasi kesehatan, adalah suatu pertemuan antara dokter dengan pasiennya. Tujuan dari konsultasi ini adalah menjalankan tindakan pencegahan untuk menghentikan berkembangnya berbagai macam penyakit bagi pasien yang memiliki faktor resiko. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Antara lain, memperoleh diagnosis bagi gejala-gejala yang dialami pasien atau jika pasien rutin melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan tahunan, dokter dapat meninjau kembali kemungkinan pasien mengidap suatu penyakit.

Pasien mungkin sudah pernah menemui dokter dengan berbagai spesialisasi. Misalnya saat pasien masih kecil, konsultasi dilakukan dengan dokter anak, atau saat sudah dewasa, konsultasi dilakukan dengan dokter penyakit dalam. Ada beragam subspesialisasi yang termasuk ke dalam penyakit dalam, di antaranya ortopedi (sendi dan tulang), kardiologi (kondisi dan masalah jantung), neurologi (sistem saraf), dan enterologi (saluran pencernaan). Sedangkan, dokter yang menangani pasien lanjut usia disebut sebagai spesialis getriatri.

Meskipun biasanya seseorang menjalani konsultasi umum karena mengalami masalah kesehatan yang memengaruhi tubuh, kadang juga menangani pasien dengan gangguan kejiwaan. Pertemuan dengan psikolog atau psikiater juga termasuk sebagai konsultasi umum.

Siapa yang Perlu Menjalani Konsultasi Umum & Hasil yang Diharapkan
Ada banyak alasan kenapa pasien harus menjalani konsultasi umum, di antaranya:

Menjaga kesehatan secara menyeluruh – Ini sangat penting terutama bagi mereka yang ingin menikmati hidup sehat, meskipun usianya tidak lagi muda dan pernah mengalami masalah kesehatan. Konsultasi umum memungkinkan tim dokter untuk memantau perkembangan kondisi pasien, mengendalikan penyakit, dan mencegah masalah kesehatan ke depannya, meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kemampuan bergerak, serta memperpanjang usia pasien.
Karena dibutuhkan – Sebagian orang, seperti pegawai kantor, diwajibkan mengunjungi dokter paling tidak satu kali setahun untuk melakukan konsultasi umum. Hasil pemeriksaan akan diteruskan ke perusahaan untuk disimpan dan dipantau. Saat ini, banyak organisasi menggunakan informasi kesehatan untuk membentuk gaya hidup, program kesehatan dan kesejahteraan bagi pegawainya. Bisa saja, seseorang diminta oleh perusahaan asuransi swasta untuk menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan dan konsultasi, untuk membantu perusahaan menentukan nilai klaim dan premi asuransi.
Karena membutuhkannya – Kebutuhan manusia dalam hal kesehatan berbeda dari satu fase ke fase lainnya. Saat kecil, tantangannya adalah memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencari tahu masalah kesehatan yang mungkin memengaruhi kehidupan nantinya. Misalnya, penelitian terbaru menunjukkan anak-anak yang mengalami obesitas memiliki resiko tinggi terkena penyakit jantung atau diabetes, dibandingkan anak dengan berat badan normal. Sedangkan saat beranjak remaja, tantangannya seputar pertumbuhan rambut, hormon, dan kesehatan mental.
Deteksi dini – Meskipun lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati, pendeteksian dini memberikan kesempatan pasien untuk melawan penyakit berbahaya seperti kanker. Pendeteksian ini dapat dilakukan dengan konsultasi kulit rutin, untuk membantu dermatologis memantau pertumbuhan atau perubahan pada kulit. Misalnya transformasi pada tahi lalat atau munculnya lesi.
Rekomendasi – Konsultasi umum juga kadang dilakukan karena rujukan atau rekomendasi. Misalnya, dokter yang pertama kali dikunjungi pasien merujuknya ke spesialis
Biasanya karena lingkup pelatihan, pengalaman, dan keahlian dokter tersebut tidak dapat membantu mengatasi masalah pasien, berdasarkan hasil diagnosis awal.
Dengan menjalani konsultasi umum diharapkan pasien mendapatkan beberapa manfaat, seperti:

Pasien dapat membangun hubungan dekat dengan tim spesialis kesehatan yang dapat membantu mengatasi masalah, baik saat ini maupun ke depannya.
Deteksi dini meningkatkan kemungkinan pasien dapat melawan penyakit dan memungkin tim spesialis kesehatan mengendalikan penyakit akut ataupun kronis.
Dokter dapat melakukan tindakan pencegahan dan program lainnya yang dapat mendorong pendekatan yang lebih proaktif untuk mencegah, mengobati, dan menangani suatu penyakit.
Cara Kerja Konsultasi Umum
Pasien dapat mulai menjalani konsultas umum dengan dua cara: direkomendasikan oleh dokter yang pertama kali dikunjungi atau mendekati dokter spesialis secara personal. Jika dirujuk oleh dokter, maka riwayat kesehatan pasien akan diberikan kepada spesialis. Sehingga, pasien tidak perlu menjalani tes dan menjawab pertanyaan yang sama.

Jika pasien mendekati dokter spesialis secara personal, pasien perlu membuat janji temu di rumah sakit atau klinik.

Saat konsultasi, dokter akan melakukan peninjauan kesehatan secara menyeluruh dengan memberikan pertanyaan seputar gejala, kondisi umum atau perasaan pasien, kekhawatiran tentang kesehatan, dan hasil yang didapatkan dari pemeriksaan kesehatan sebelumnya.

Lalu, dokter akan melakukan pemeriksaan fisik. Bagian tubuh yang diperiksa tergantung pada tujuan konsultasi. Misalnya, wanita yang berkonsultasi dengan ginekolog akan menjalani pemeriksaan payudara atau pap smear.

Jika diperlukan, dokter akan merekomendasikan tes lainnya, termasuk MRI, PET, CT scan. Hasilnya akan didiskusikan pada konsultasi berikutnya.

Wajar, jika pasien perlu bertemu dokter yang sama beberapa kali untuk konsultasi lanjutan.

Konsultasi dapat memakan waktu paling tidak 30 menit dan tidak memerlukan persiapan khusus.

Kemungkinan Komplikasi dan Resiko Konsultasi Umum
Konsultasi umum membantu pasien membangun hubungan dengan dokter. Sangat penting bagi pasien untuk merasa nyaman berhubungan dengan dokter, agar mereka bersedia mengikuti konsultasi dan rencana pengobatan, juga lebih terbuka. Namun, konsultasi ini juga bisa menjadi pengalaman tidak menyenangkan bagi sebagian pasien. Jika ini terjadi, sebaiknya pasien mencari spesialis lainnya. Tapi, hal tersebut dapat memakan waktu, memusingkan, dan membuat pasien mengurungkan niatnya untuk berkonsultasi. Akibatnya, kesehatannya terancam.

Soto Betawi in Jakarta Indonesian

Soto Betawi in Jakarta Indonesian

Soto Betawi in Jakarta Indonesian

Soto Betawi in Jakarta Indonesian :


  • 500 gr of beef (can be mixed jerohan)
  • 2 lt of water
  • 1 btg of cinnamon
  • 2 btr cardamom
  • 1 btr flower Lawang / pekak
  • 1 teaspoon powdered broth (optional)
  • 3 lbr orange leaves
  • 2 btg lemongrass
  • to taste salt
  • to taste sugar
  • Ground spices:
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 5 onions
  • 1 teaspoon pepper powder
  • Complementary:
  • Sambal
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Potatoes (thinly sliced, fried)
  • Leek
  • Celery
  • Lime


  • Clean the meat / jerohan, wash it clean, cut into pieces then boil in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then drain the boiled water.
  • Saute the spices fine, plus the other spices until fragrant then enter the meat. Stir-blend flat and give a little milk. Let until tender meat.
  • After the meat is tender to enter the remaining milk, often gravy ditimba-timba for milk does not break.
  • Enter salt, sugar, powdered broth and taste test. If taste is fitting tasteful turn off the fire.
  • Take out all the meat and jerohan, drain.
  • If it will be served fried briefly in hot oil, then the arrangement in the bowl, give gravy and complement.
  • Ready to be served
Grilled Root Beer Beef – Almost as Good as an Ice Cream Float

Grilled Root Beer Beef – Almost as Good as an Ice Cream Float

I’ve used something very close to this root beer marinade for lamb several times, and had great success, so I’ve been eager to try it with some skewered beef, which didn’t come out quite as well, but could have. Please, let me explain.

Since lamb has a stronger, “gamier” taste, the sweetness of this treatment works perfectly, but I thought it was a little too much for the beef. So, below in the ingredients list, I've made a few adjustments to the honey amount, as well as acidity level.

The beauty of a recipe like this is they’re very easy to adapt, and I’m not just talking about the pre-grill soak, but also the glaze we make with the extra marinade. Once reduced to something thick enough to coat our meat, you’ll want to taste it, and adjust with more heat, sweet, sour, or whatever else you think it needs. One thing mine definitely needed was more salt. I thought the soy was going to be enough, but I should have salted my skewers before they hit the grill, and/or add some salt to the marinade.

Adjustments aside, if you enjoy things like sweet/hot barbecue sauces, bourdon glazes, or even something like teriyaki, you will probably very much enjoy this. Even if you don’t use the marinade, I really loved the technique we used for the flank, which would work beautifully no matter how you flavor this. Either way, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 skewers/portions:
1 whole flank steak (about 1 1/2 pounds)
For the marinade
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper
2 tablespoons ketchup
honey, optional (I used 2 tablespoons, but would omit next time)
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons white or cider vinegar (I didn't add, but it needed it)
1 bottle (12 ounces) good quality root beer
kosher salt to season skewers generously
6 Recipes How to Make Ice Fresh Fruits Special Open Fasting and Sale

6 Recipes How to Make Ice Fresh Fruits Special Open Fasting and Sale

6 Different Ways to Make Ice Fruit Fresh Practical Simple Practical For Menu Takjil Open Fasting Or Day Day . Also Equipped With Assorted Syrup Recipe Fruit Ice Syrup With Home Syrup Can Be Made Own Of Simple Materials Available In-House Stock And Refrigerator Can For Sale Also Lho.

Approaching the month of fasting is indeed many of us who are confused to make a menu takjil if not fast to make the family at home. Indeed, in addition to drinks iftar , various special ice recipe fruit that we will give below can be used for all the time you know. For example, when at home there are arisan events, meetings between community residents in RT or RW. Or maybe a farewell at school, a fresh drink to make one of them is ice with special syrup and various fruits. As a way to make fresh and delicious fruit ice is very practical, simple and no hassle.

As one of the special drink recipes that have been old enough, how to make fresh and delicious fruit ice is very easy. However, if we want to enjoy the seductive freshness, there are some things that must be considered. Maybe we have the thought that a glass of ice-fruit recipe just needs to mix fruits and sugar instead.

Tips on How To Make Fresh Fruit Different Fruits

But it was not as simple as that. Especially if we want to prepare a special fresh drink that is preferred by all family members. The first thing to note is of course any fruit that will be used. The diversity of fruit that we use is also influential. Especially if each fruit used has a different color different.

Like green avocado, red dragon, red starwbery, yellow pineapple, yellow mango and other instead. In addition, of course, the level of maturity of each ingredient to make ice recipe fruit had also to be fitting. Do not let it turns out we use a mango that is too young or maybe even too ripe so that it will lead to recipe fruit ice that we make so less tasty.

Selaijn fruit that must be considered is its sauce. Although how to make the ice fruit is just mixing ingredients, but if the sauce is less sweet or too sweet even so it will not taste good. The gravy can be made from bottled syrup or we can make simple syrup from water mixed with sugar plus vanilla or other flavorings. Or maybe we can add fresh milk or sweetened condensed milk to make it more delicious and delicious.

Nutrition and Vitamins

From small maybe we all have been taught that eating sangt very good for health and body development. Various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and many benefits of various fruits for our bodies. Because using a variety of fresh fruit of various kinds, of course in addition to freshness, we also get the benefits of vitamins and nutrients from the ice fruit recipe dishes that we make later. It's fitting not if we happen to have a hard-to-eat fresh fruits.

Special Fruit Ice Recipes

There are many variations of this fruit ice recipe based on each taste. Because indeed this drink recipe in addition to easy way to make it can also be adjusted with the stock of fruit in the house. But if by chance friends again confused ideas, recipes how to make ice fruit with special gravy syrup under the mandatory lho try.

Syrup Syrup

  • Ready-to-eat liquid milk or in boxes of approximately 1000 ml.
  • Water is cooked to taste or approximately as much as 1/4 liter.
  • Mandarin orange juice extracted from 5 pieces of mandarin orange.
  • Lime juice more or less as much as 1 medium size fruit only.
  • Syrup taste vanilla bottle to taste according to each taste.
  • Sweetened condensed milk to taste according to each taste.
  • Ice cubes to taste as needed.

Fruit Material </ h3.

  • Medium-sized dragon fruit that has been cut pieces of approximately 1/2 pieces.
  • Apples or pears as needed.
  • Sufficient red and green wines or 8 pcs each.
  • Medium medium melon fruit that has been peeled and cut into pieces enough to taste or approximately 1/2 pieces.
  • Starwbery fruit that has been cut and cut to taste as needed.
  • In order for jelly if likes that have been cut box to taste according to taste.
  • Fruit lychees, kelengkeng or other according to taste.

How to make fresh fruit special ice

  • First take a container large enough then insert shaved ice, syrup, orange juice and other ingredients then stir until blended.
  • Insert a piece of ice cubes or shaved ice along with pieces of fruit into the container above.
  • Stirring all the ingredients until well blended.
  • Take and pour enough into a serving glass then give sweetened condensed milk to taste and a few pieces of ice cubes.

Recipes How To Make Basil Fruit Ice

Basil other than made for a fruit soup mix can also be utilized for simple ice recipe you know. Without much material, enough papaya and basil we can make fresh drinks for the family. How to make ice fruit basil is very easy. Just prepare the material in the form of papaya that has been cut, simple syrup, cold water, lemon juice to taste, ice cubes and of course basil. Mix all the ingredients into one and last give ice cubes on it.

Recipes How To Make Milk Fruit Ice

One of the characteristics of ice from various fruits is a steady and elegant taste lies in the broth. Well this time we will give a way to make milk ice with a variety of fruits that tempt the taste. With the addition of lime juice, sweet, sour and fresh taste will surely relieve your thirst after a day of fasting is not it.

Ingredients :

  • Melon that has been cut to taste approximately 150 grams.
  • Watermelon that has been cut box more or less as much as 150 grams.
  • Fresh Starwbery that has been washed and split approximately 150 grams as well.
  • Coco basil taste to taste or approximately as much as 150 grams as well.
  • Mango and avocado if there are approximately as much as 150 grams as well.
  • Sugar for syrup sauce is about 200 grams.
  • Lime juice fresh enough to taste or approximately as much as 5 tablespoons.
  • Iodized salt kitchen a little more or less as much as 1/4 small spoon.
  • Sweetened condensed milk according to taste.
  • Sufficient clean water to taste or approximately as much as 1500 ml.


  • First prepare the pot and put sugar and salt and stir until really mixed.
  • Light up the fire and boil it until it boils while stirring occasionally.
  • After boiling lift then wait a moment then strain and chill.
  • Enter the fruits to be used in a bowl or glass.
  • Pour the syrup over and give ice cubes or shaved ice on top.
  • Last flush with sweetened condensed milk and ready to serve.

Ice Soda Fizz Recipes

In addition to cold water, we can also make it with soda water you know. You know, soda water is usually used for soda happy. How to make ice fruit with soda is quite easy. Friends can use fruit such as papaya, melon, watermelon, kiwi, orange or other. Simply put a syrup or syrup so mix it with water and ready to serve.

Ice Recipe Cocktail Fruit

Our small age was probably when the invitation of one of the dishes that usually there is this cocktail ice. Although it seems to consist only of simple fruits, it tastes very fresh indeed. If by chance at home there is an event, fresh kinuman recipe can also lho make a dish. Moreover, how to make ice cocktail earlier this time quite easy and practical. In addition, of course, cheap and can be for the whole family.

Fruit Ice Material

  • The first ingredient is a slightly ripe papaya that has been peeled and cut into the box approximately 1500 grams.
  • Medium medium ripe pineapple fruit approximately as much as 1 fruit. Peel then cut pieces too.
  • Sugar according to taste or approximately as much as 800 grams only.
  • Nata de coco approximately 1 kg.
  • Seed dried seeds approximately 2 tablespoons if you like depending on taste.
  • Lime betel approximately 2 tablespoons.
  • Citric acid is approximately 2 spoonfuls.
  • Clean water is approximately 4000 ml.
  • Essence taste a little vanilla.

How to Make Ice Cocktails

  • First mix the whiting with clean water approximately 1 glass then stir and filter water then set aside.
  • Take a container large enough and then enter the pieces of papaya and water whiting betel then give additional water until all parts submerged.
  • Let the above papaya be submerged for approximately 60 minutes or the outside is already visibly hardened.
  • Wash the papaya above until no lime water is attached.
  • Prepare the pot and enter the water besama granulated sugar then stir and wait until boiling.
  • Enter the pieces of papaya that has been removed lime water and then cook until boiling and then turn off the fire.
  • Pour the citric acid into the pan and stir until completely mixed well.
  • Add the pineapple pieces with the vanilla flavor and then stir until fully blended.
  • Cover and let stand until the fruit mixture is cold or normal temperature.
  • Enter the decoco nata along with the basil seeds that have been cooked then stir again.
  • Enter into the refrigerator to cool or add ice cubes and ready to serve.

Recipes How To Make Mixed Fruit Ice

What makes ice drinks with fresh fruit is in addition to fresh fruit also diversity of fruit. The blend of various fresh natural fruit with a variety of colors will certainly add to our enjoyment of eating it. For how to make a special mixed fruit ice, friends can use mangoes, avocados, strawberries, rambutan, lychees, grapes and dragon fruit. Cut to taste and then mix with syrup so, homemade syrup or try the various syrup sauce we have given above.

Of the 6 ice recipe above, which friends will try for the family later? After knowing it turns out semiua recipe was very easy not how to make fruit ice fresh and delicious. For the variety of fruit can actually be adjusted with the supply of materials at home. For the preparation of the breaking menu and other Eid, please try Lebaran pastry , chicken opor recipe , rendang meat recipe or how to make special ketupat Lebaran.

Menu Takjil to Open Pusa with Indonesian cuisine

Menu Takjil to Open Pusa with Indonesian cuisine

Various Menu Recipes Takjil Open Fasting Specials That Is Delicious Cheap That Must Compulsory For Ramadhan Menu With Family At Home. Includes Fast and Takjil Menu With Coconut Ice, Fruit Soup, Kolak, Es Fruit And More. Equipped Simple Food Snacks To Break Fast With Various Pudding, Tempe Mendoan, Martabak Sweet, Martabak Egg, Banana Molen and others.

Takjil for some people must be awaited and anticipated when the month of Ramadan comes. Usually most of the Muslims in our country will berbondong bondong go out to look for menu takjil iftar. Indeed, this has become a habit for our society to buy a cheap fasting or breaking fast food delicious and delicious. Usually behavior or habit out to buy food and spend time before breaking is also called ngabuburit by some of our society.

Menu takjil break fasting and ngabuburit indeed can not be released during the fasting month of Ramadan arrived. In fact, for most of us, this activity is the awaited wait because it is only during the month of Ramadan. The crowd of people who are looking for and buying ice dogs, marrow porridge, compote, fried or other drinks or other fasting meals are the hallmarks of our country. But does a friend know what exactly the meaning of takjil is fasting?

Arti Takjil Ramadhan

Takjil or tajil many who interpret is a drink and food to break the fast of Muslims. Indeed most of the people of Indonesia must say like this. But many do not know that the meaning takjil actually is hastened. This is a suggestion to immediately break the fast by eating and drinking because it is in accordance with the sunna of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Well food and drink pembatal and opening or menu takjil iftar this is what is currently often understood by most of the people of Indonesia. Whereas actually the menu of breaking the fast is actually called IFTHOR or ifthar.

Cheap Takjil Recipe

At the beginning of Ramadan is usually the majority of people are still eager to ngabuburit and buy cakes, snacks or food takjil to break the fast at the street vendor. Average and most of them buy a variety of cakes, sponges, fruit soup, salads and others whose price is not cheap. Actually we can make cheap recipes at home cheerful with warm tea and various bakwan, tempeh fried atapun 2 or 3 date palm seeds. Of course takjil menu fasting is clearly more efficient and cheaper is not it. Friends can also try Bakwan Sayur Recipe that is easy, practical and simple how to make it.

Menu Takjil Buka Puasa Fresh Drinks

If asked what most people want to fast when first breaking the fast? Surely most and probably also include we will menagtakan fresh and sweet ice. Indeed after a day of thirst and dry in the throat, the most delicious is to drink a glass of ice degan, mixed ice, fruit ice or fruit soup. Well for friends who want to make their own at home, a variety of fresh fasting beverages are below this yes.

Young coconut ice

When asked about the fastest and most easy to break the fast, there must be many who answered this drink. Yes, the menu takjil break the fast with the coconut ice or degan is the most fresh and steady. Especially if you use fresh coconut water is fresh and can restore the freshness of our body. Without having to buy, we can make takjil own at home. Materials and various ways to make it can be seen in various fresh and healthy young coconut ice.

Fresh Ice Mix

Talking about an iftar-fast recipe after a day of thirst and hunger, of course, the most common idea is an ice recipe. One that besides refreshing thirst and restore the body condition is mixed ice. With a variety of fresh fruit fillings, syrup and extra jelly, so that or so it is very inviting taste. Well now friends do not need to buy ice with these various stuffing. For those who want to try it, the ingredients and how to make it can be seen in the mixed ice recipe.

Sop Fruit

In addition to young coconut ice, heavy drinks are the most sought after for menu takjil open fasting is fruit ice and fruit soup. Compared with the fruit ice that usually just tastes sweet syrup or sugar sauce, fruit soup is definitely more delicious. Fresh blend of various fresh fruits such as avocado, coconut, jelly, wine and milk sauce and coconut milk is very fresh to break the fast. For those who want to try it at home, friends can see it in the link of various ways to make a special fruit ice Ramadan.

Fruit ice

In addition to the recipe soup fruit and coconut ice above, fruit ice is indeed one of the favorite menu for the menu takjil iftar in Ramadan. Indeed for most people, they are more happy with the recipe of a delicious juicy drink like ice oyen or fruit soup. But if you talk about time and practical problems, obviously this fresh drink is more fitting to try at home. Without the need for a long time, special dishes for fresh breaking fast we can provide at home. Fruits who want to try it can see the recipe in 6 ways to make fresh fruit ice make nagih.

Various Juices

A glass of cold juice such as avocado juice, dragon fruit juice or guava juice may be an option for takjil iftar. Moreover, how to make takjil break fast with juice is also very easy. Just enter the ingredients and fruit with syrup or sugar and then blend with ice cold ice. After that he was given a few drops of sweetened white or brown sweetened milk.

Fruit salad

Salad may not include drinks, but breaking the fast with fruit salad is also refreshing. Especially after a day of dry throat we must be delicious instead of enjoying a bowl of salad with the contents of various fruits and mayonise to be consumed. For those interested in trying it at home, friends can find their recipes in fresh and healthy fruit salads.

Kolawan Banan

Banana as the fruit of all season is very fitting to be processed into menu takjil iftar. Starting from the cake, bread and healthy drinks can we get with these banana preparations. One of the most popular of course is the compote. We can process it with a mixture of sweet potatoes, pearls, pumpkin and even without coconut milk. Let us try the menu takjil break the fast with a variety of delicious and delicious banana compote recipe.

Various Food Snacks For Menu Takjil Buka Puasa

In addition to fresh drinks, a variety of light snacks we can prepare also for menu takjil iftar during Ramadan. In addition to tasty and can restore the body's energy, breaking the fast is advisable to not directly eat heavy foods such as rice and peluhnya. Some light snacks such as pudding, agar, martabak, bright moon or compact fitted once prepared to eat a distraction before a heavy meal later. For the choice of ideas and how to make her breaking recipe can be seen below.

Milk pudding

When compared with jelly, milk pudding more delicious and delicious for the menu iftar later. A good fiber content plus clear milk makes it a satisfying scrub dish. Especially when served in cold conditions of various milk pudding that we are much more delicious and delicious. For those who want to try it, there are 6 variations of this recipe that can be seen in the link Puding Recipe.

Chocolate pudding

Substance contained in chocolate can indeed make the mood that enjoy it will be happy and happy. Well for the likes and fans of chocolate, takjil break fasting with chocolate pudding would be interesting is not it. Not just a child, adults too would like a soft texture, it's sweet and fresh. For the interested, there are 6 variations with additional milk, coconut milk and others that can dikreasikan in Chocolate Pudding Recipe.

Corn Pudding

Chocolate and milk may be the most famous and well-liked combination of puddings. Well if you want to try a new flavor, corn pudding is also steady lho for dish for menu takjil break fast later. The aroma and taste of corn that tend to be sweet and delicious is not fitting for breaking the fast with family at home. There are 5 variations that we can try at home for this Ramadan, please check on the Corn Pudding Recipe.

To order the Santan

Compared to pudding, how to make it so much simpler, simpler and more practical it is not. It is usually chewy food is only served without additional ingredients. The only taste that distinguishes it with chocolate, strawberries, oranges, bananas, melons and more. In order to increase the pleasure when breaking the fast later, we can add coconut milk in the mixture you know. The material and how to make it can try it on the link how to make order.

Pastel Fried Recipe

Fried cake with a variety of contents that can be modified it seems steady also not for menu takjil break fast later. Friends can make stuffing with rogout, vermicelli with boiled egg or chicken and beef abon. Depending on taste only as well as tailored to the fried pastel stuffing stuff that is ready at home.

Celery Sorbet – It Only Sounds Crazy

Celery Sorbet – It Only Sounds Crazy

If you set out to make an ice cream or sorbet from a vegetable, celery wouldn’t be your first choice, but nevertheless, these unremarkable ribs produce a shockingly delicious frozen treat. And, I said “frozen treat,” instead of dessert for a reason, since this has as many savory applications as sweet ones.

The first time I ever had something like this, it was used to garnish a plate of salmon gravlax. It was presented next to the cold, cured fish, on a pile of crispy rye breadcrumbs, and the combination of tastes, textures, and temperatures truly was incredible. After that meal, I promised myself I’d figure out how to make this stuff no matter how long, or many failed attempts it took. Luckily, Mark Bittman had already posted a recipe for it in the Times, so I ended up nailing it on the first try, but still, promise kept.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, there are like a hundred hacks online for how to do this without one, or you can simply use the method highlighted in our strawberry granite video, which will produce something closer in texture to a snow cone, but amazing nonetheless. No matter what you use, I really do hope you give this very unusual, but absolutely delicious celery sorbet a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 portions:
1 pound (after trimming) sliced celery
1 cup white sugar
1 cup cold water
pinch of salt (I used 1/8 teaspoon)
1 lime, juiced
Fried Cheese Egg Toast – The Breakfast of Champions (In a Rut)

Fried Cheese Egg Toast – The Breakfast of Champions (In a Rut)

I’m not sure what your usual breakfast routine entails, but chances are you occasionally get bored with it, and crave something completely different, and when that happens, it doesn’t get much more different than this fast, and easy fried cheese egg toast. Be careful though, since afterwards it’s not easy going back to that bowl of oatmeal.

While pan-frying cheese may not sound particularly healthy, as it caramelizes, it gives up a fair amount of butter fat, which stays behind in the pan. So, you could actually spin this technique as a new, fat-reducing hack – unless you use that to butter the toast, which isn’t a dumb idea.

By the way, I hope you like your yolks runny, since if you don’t, this is not going to be nearly as great. Which reminds me, why do people not like runny yolks? What’s not to like? I hope they don’t think they’re dangerous, because they’re not. Anyway, if you are a fan of the flow, this fried cheese egg toast is the way to go, so I really do hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for one Fried Cheese Egg Toast:
1 ounce grated cheddar cheese
pinch red pepper flakes
1 large egg
1 piece of toast
sliced green onions to garnish
pinch of salt

*Note: For best results, rub your non-stick pan with a few drops of olive oil